Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Already 2019, has exceeded its possibilities of being one of my best years yet.
A new career working as a foster parent recruiter and my first art exhibit was held last Monday at the Elkhart library. I sold one of my first canvas, with promises of more to be sold!
All of this has happened organically. I'm very excited about how God is guiding my direction with my art. I also had the special treat of speaking too!

My oldest son and oldest daughter both have been promoted on their positions. God is good.

God is so amazing... I'm glad to back!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hiatus from my life

It's not a good thing to stop, creating, posting or even to allow technology to throw you a glitch.
World, I am back... disappointed that the name of my website has been hijacked for a completely different purpose.

Yet, I'm happy to be back posting again, even though it's been almost three years since my last post.


The Mother of FiveJoys!!