Friday, March 23, 2012

Inspirational: Remembering His Mercies for Me

This morning I am reminded of "The Lords mercies, he doesn't allow financial concerns, job stress, life's frustration, injuries to consume me. My short comings and weakness are overshadowed by His love for me. His compassion doesnt' fail me. They are new every morning. Great is HIS faithfulness to me. (Lamentations 3:22-23) my translation.

Injustice: Hoodie March: Trayvon Martin

17 year old Trayvon Martin was killed unmercifully as he was returning home with skilttles and a Arizona Tea, in Sanford Florida.  The unacceptable reality is the person who shot him is still walking the streets of Sanford freely, as if the Police are rewarding him for killing a fugitive. The community of Sanford has ralleyed against this injustice. I say, it's about time.
My heart grieves for this family, yet I'm thankful that my young adult children no longer live there. The horrid reality is that this isn't the only case of injustice in Sanford. I have experienced it first hand before and have been a witness to friends who have sufffered the injustice there, its a crying shame a another child had to die before light was brought to injustice in Sanford...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GP: Happy Birthday to me! 13 Mar 12

What a glorious day that God has blessed me and so many others to see this day!
I'm actually off for the first time in years for my birthday. That within itself is wonderful.  Judy Gaskin, shares the same birthday and I know she is celebrating too. I sent her a FB happy birthday wish.  Nowadays it is customary to receive FB postings wishing you an Happy Birthday.
Today, I plan having lunch with someone very special, he is so delightful, because traveling to a nice place is out of the question for now.  One day soon I will travel to Key West and Santa Bell Islands to treat myself. Today or rather until my foot has completely healed I won't be traveling until after the end of April.
Happy Birthday, me!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cycling: Just do me, Recovering of the BIG Toe

Last year, as I proceeded to set out on my new journey, a ran smack into life's detour. Which included a promotion, a move and a divorce. Once, settled in my new home. I began my training again. My goal, was to participate in a triathlon within the next year.(2011)

Before I moved from Lake Mary, last year I found an aqua Trex 7.2 FX, in Lake Mary, FL, My heart and mind was set on buying a Trek as my first professional bike.  I joined a local gym and started running and swimming. After 15 minutes of that type of exercising my big toe begin to hurt. A very dear friend, allow me to use his bike. With that bike I began riding up to 8 miles a day, before the weather turned cold and the chain came off of the spokes. By January, I had become complacent about my new lofty goals and  to get back on the road again, I vowed to myself that this would be the year. My next step was to see a doctor about my toe.

 I met with a really nice orthopedic doctor he said I needed surgery to correct 2 problems.  He also informed me that he road in triathlons and needed the very same surgery! Just a week later I discovered an African American riding club, which met only 4 miles from my home. Excited, I explained to the leader, David, of the club that I would be having surgery soon and that I wanted to purchase a Trek.
Two days before my surgery, David informed me that he had a bike for me.  Time and inconvenience prevented us from the bike exchange before my surgery. As soon as I was able to hop up, I met with David about the Trek. It was a purpleTrek1220 ZX, older model road bike! I have the bike sitting outside my bedroom door as a motivator for why I must stay focus on eating and healing properly.I'm just as excited and can't wait to start riding again. 
The bible teaches us to " Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so he may run that reads it." Habakkuk 2:2 (KVJ)  I am writing the vision down and it is truly amazing to me how God is orchestrating the fulfillment of this goal!