Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cycling: Just do me, Recovering of the BIG Toe

Last year, as I proceeded to set out on my new journey, a ran smack into life's detour. Which included a promotion, a move and a divorce. Once, settled in my new home. I began my training again. My goal, was to participate in a triathlon within the next year.(2011)

Before I moved from Lake Mary, last year I found an aqua Trex 7.2 FX, in Lake Mary, FL, My heart and mind was set on buying a Trek as my first professional bike.  I joined a local gym and started running and swimming. After 15 minutes of that type of exercising my big toe begin to hurt. A very dear friend, allow me to use his bike. With that bike I began riding up to 8 miles a day, before the weather turned cold and the chain came off of the spokes. By January, I had become complacent about my new lofty goals and  to get back on the road again, I vowed to myself that this would be the year. My next step was to see a doctor about my toe.

 I met with a really nice orthopedic doctor he said I needed surgery to correct 2 problems.  He also informed me that he road in triathlons and needed the very same surgery! Just a week later I discovered an African American riding club, which met only 4 miles from my home. Excited, I explained to the leader, David, of the club that I would be having surgery soon and that I wanted to purchase a Trek.
Two days before my surgery, David informed me that he had a bike for me.  Time and inconvenience prevented us from the bike exchange before my surgery. As soon as I was able to hop up, I met with David about the Trek. It was a purpleTrek1220 ZX, older model road bike! I have the bike sitting outside my bedroom door as a motivator for why I must stay focus on eating and healing properly.I'm just as excited and can't wait to start riding again. 
The bible teaches us to " Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so he may run that reads it." Habakkuk 2:2 (KVJ)  I am writing the vision down and it is truly amazing to me how God is orchestrating the fulfillment of this goal!

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